* Equivalent to 1 Advanced Level.
What Will I Study?
- Knowledge areas for understanding information technology systems and using social media in business
- Practical skills for working in mobile apps development, creating a website, cyber security and digital animation effects
The specification is currently under review and so some study topics and/or assessment may change.
How Will I Be Assessed?
Assessment is through mandatory and externally assessed units. This course will allow you to achieve 2 Advanced Level equivalents by completing 4 units, of which 3 are mandatory and 1 is external.
What Could I Do Next?
This qualification can enable you to move onto a computing or ICT-related course at university, an
apprenticeship or straight to employment in the ICT sector.
Subject Specific Entry Requirements
Grade 4 in English.
Where Can I Get More Information?
Contact Mr. Bashir, Head of Digital Technologies and Business Faculty.