On this page you will find resources to support your daughter in making her option choices for Key Stage 4. Making option choices is an important time for all year 9 students and we want to provide all students with the information they need to make informed choices.
Year 9 students have been given the opportunity to learn about GCSE subjects from their class teachers and on the two year 9 Options Days earlier this year. Please ask lots of questions about the information provided by teachers as this will be invaluable in helping your daughter choose the right options.
We would appreciate parents, carers and year 9 students taking the time to discuss option choices and would also encourage you to review the Options Booklet available on this page. We hope you will find the booklet and additional resources at the bottom of this page useful and that you feel fully supported in making these very important decisions.
During the Year 9 Progress Week (week commencing 13th January 2025), all year 9 students will meet with their Learning Coach and make provisional Key Stage 4 Option choices.
On Wednesday 5th February 2025 we will be holding our Year 9 Progress and Choices Evening. You will receive an email inviting you to book appointments with your daughter’s teachers for this event. It is important that you attend this evening to discuss your daughter’s progress and confirm her Key Stage 4 option choices. This information allows us to ensure timetabling and staffing requirements are met.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to your daughter’s year team, the member of staff responsible for the subject (see Options Booklet) or email [email protected] directly.
Mr Parker, Assistant Headteacher (KS3 Curriculum and Whole-school Literacy)