Physical activity is the beating heart of the PE curriculum. Through a wide range of health, well-being and practical activities, students improve fitness levels as well as developing and applying their knowledge. A life-long love of physical activity is nurtured through the development of socially, physically, and emotionally strong and confident young women.
All KS3 students complete a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Cadets course as part of the OAA curriculum. This will give them an insight into the Bronze Award they are all entered for in Y10 PE. Completing volunteering, physical and skill hours in their own time through Y7-9 will contribute to certification of the course at Y9 Graduations.
We also offer the GCSE PE course as an alternative to the Cambridge National qualification should this be a more apt course for the examination cohort/class. All Y9 students are given ‘KS4 taster sessions’ during Half Term 2, supporting them to make the right option choices for themselves.
Find our Extra Curricular Timetable the Extra Curricular Activities page.
- Head of Faculty: Mrs R. Davison ([email protected])
- Assistant Head of Faculty: Miss S. Clarke ([email protected])