Health and Wellbeing

Through a wide range of support and opportunities, we are committed to supporting our students to become positive citizens of Manchester. We encourage students to live healthy, happy lives and to positively engage with the local community.

Student Wellbeing (iMatter Programme)

We are committed to supporting and developing the wellbeing of our students. Our students are provided with a wide range of activities to support their physical and emotional health.

The IMatter curriculum places emphasis on each student as an individual.

Action for Happiness

A movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society. They want to see a fundamentally different way of life - where people care less about what they can get just for themselves and more about the happiness of others.


ChatHealth is a safe and secure way for young people aged 11-16 to get advice and support about health related issues, directly from the school nurse.

Dealing with Anxiety

Understanding anxiety, how to spot the signs, tips for parents/young people and how to find more help.

Families Under Pressure

King’s College London and the NHS have developed a website called 'Families Under Pressure', in conjunction with parents, to offer parenting tips during this stressful time (Covid-19 lockdown).

Health Advice and Information

Useful advice for parents about where and how to use local national health services in Manchester. Find helpful videos with translated versions in Arabic, Bengali, Punjabi and Urdu.

Knife Crime

Tackling knife crime is a priority for police in the UK. Improve your understanding and learn how you can help yourself, your friends or family, with useful advice and materials.

NatWest MoneySense ‘Wellbeing Toolkit’ for Parents

Dr Radha Modgil, NHS GP, broadcaster, author, and mental wellbeing expert, has teamed up with bestselling authors, mental health champions and educational experts, to offer you insight and support on money and wellbeing.

Online Safety Guides

National Online Safety (NOS) regularly create and share useful online safety guides for parents/carers, as part of their #WakeUpWednesday campaign.


We know how challenging parenting is and we want to support you to be the best parents you can be. Here are some resources to help you manage your children’s wellbeing and behaviour, and support your family life.

See, Hear, Respond

A rapid support service for children and young people affected by the coronavirus crisis.

Teens and Screens

Teenagers love using their mobile phones. Whether it is watching videos on YouTube, scrolling through Instagram or gaming, children seem to be constantly glued to their phones.

Healthy Lifestyle

Students are given access to a wide range of opportunities to develop themselves in Physical Education, improve their fitness and wellbeing and embrace a healthy lifestyle.

For more info on the PE curriculum specifically, including a list of courses, please visit the Physical Education area of our curriculum section.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Students engage in completing their skill, physical, volunteering and expedition sections of this course, through PE lessons and in their own time.

Get Active

The 'Get Active' programme at Whalley Range aims to encourage students to live a healthy, active lifestyle. We support this through extra curricular clubs, the curriculum, team sports, competitions, mindfulness, promotion and awareness and more.


Mindfulness, in a nutshell, is being able to focus on the present moment. It can be practised anywhere but preferably somewhere quiet to aid relaxation and reflection. Activities within our 'Relaxation' scheme of work are not all focused on mindfulness itself but the activities within allow stude...

National Qualifications

Over the course of the year, the Year 9 students will participate in a variety of programmes such as This Girl Can, Be the Best and the Dove self-esteem project, alongside physical activities such as Netball, Football, Basketball etc.


The Edge is a scheme to develop and accredit students personal attributes that are essential for employability and life. These are skills that employers look for when recruiting employees.

Sports Leadership

The Sports Leaders Qualification is a nationally recognised qualification, which develops leaders and leadership skills in planning and evaluating sports activities.

Year 11 Mindfulness and Wellbeing Booklet

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

Quality Marks, Awards & Affiliations

We strive for excellence and are very proud of our achievements and affiliations.

If you believe something is missing or should be removed from the list below, please let us know.

Greater Manchester Education Trust logo Chartered College of Teaching Institutional Member 2023/24 badge Cyber Essentials Certified logo
School Games Platinum Award 2023/24 - 2024/25 logo FFT National Attendance Award 2023/24 logo One Education Reading Award Gold logo Confederation of School Trusts logo Educate Awards Winner 2019 logo SSAT Educational Outcomes Awards 2018 logo SSAT Effective Learning Behaviour logo SSAT Climate for Learning logo Manchester United Foundation logo The Duke of Edinburgh logo The Cultural Diversity Standards logo The Schools Co-operative Society logo School Achievement Award logo Sport England logo Leading Edge Partnership Programme logo The Quality in Careers Standard logo Healthy Schools Manchester logo Basic Skills Quality Mark logo Whalley Range Sixth Form logo